The perfect gifts for all mommies-to-be. Having a baby shower? Put me on your list!

Video – Early labor breathing techniques with Stephanie Heintzeler
Relaxed during labor? Who knew this would be possible! Learn how to breathe in this comprehensive and calming breathing class for early labor. You will receive wonderful tips on how to prepare for labor and what to expect. You can use this video before your birth to feel more prepared or in early labor when you are at home and feel like you have no breathing technique and are getting nervous.

Preggie Guide
18 years of doula-ing in NYC and midwifery in Germany means Stephanie has spent a tremendous amount of time with pregnant women and new moms. The result? A wonderful 25-page guide with tips for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and the postpartum time. This guide has it all, from nutritional advice for pregnancy, to checklists for what you need for your newborn, phases of labor, the role of the partner during labor, the pros and cons of interventions, tips on breastfeeding, and so much more!

Schwanger in New York E-book
Having a baby is a huge step in life that comes with many questions. Having a baby in another country comes with even more. This ultimate eBook co-published with CityKinder and written in German gives expecting couples the necessary information needed to go through pregnancy and prepare for birth in the New York Area.

Breastfeeding FAQ’s Handbook
A handbook with all typical questions answered right there. Tips for problems with breastfeeding, how to latch on baby and a long list of wonderful resources and Youtube-links.