We are following all CDC recommendations, ask your doula more about her safety measures.

** years

#27 D.G.

Birth Doula | Lactation Counselor (1 week training)
Service type Service area Experience Availability
In Person, Virtual Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey 3 years

D. is a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, massage therapist, DTI-certified full-spectrum doula (covering fertility, birth, postpartum, and abortion), certified lactation counselor, Spinning Babies®-aware practitioner, and certified Hypnobirthing® childbirth educator.
She brings her years of clinical experience as an acupuncturist, herbalist, and massage therapist to her clients, using hands-on support to help enhance physical comfort during birth. She is able to keep a calm, warm presence, while helping parents understand what their providers present and supporting them as they navigate potentially changing terrain. D. is passionate about preserving agency and bodily autonomy throughout the birthing process, which she knows looks different for each individual.
D. is experienced in supporting a wide range of individuals and various familial configurations with open-minded, compassionate care.
She speaks Spanish, Hebrew, Mandarin and Arabic.
I’m very grateful to have had D. as a knowledgeable guide during my first pregnancy and postpartum. She and her partner Christina made themselves available to support me as needed with all questions and new learning that arose. I felt very seen throughout the entire process and most importantly when I was in the throes of an unmedicated birth with intense labor pains. My husband was very loving and involved, but with D.’s experience and encouragement, I had the confidence I needed to have a beautiful and healthy birth.
Rose Kahan
I had my first baby at home and, thank G-d, D. was my doula and not someone else. D. is a G-d send! She is compassionate, caring, understanding, encouraging, and extremely knowledgeable. D. is there for you with you in every circumstance and situation. She is extraordinarily intuitive and very wise. She knew exactly where to help alleviate as much pain, stress and fear with a hands-on approach. D., may you be blessed!! You chose a beautiful profession for which you are so suited!
Thank you!
D. is AMAZING in every single way. I cannot recommend her highly enough! Leading up to my birth she made me feel so comfortable and cared for. She took a great interest in my birth plan and was so organized in ways I didn’t even think to be to make sure I was able to include everything I wanted in my home birth. She is extremely knowledgeable and has excellent resources to use and share. She took the time to teach my partner and other support people different excerises to do with me in preparation for the birth as well as pain management techniques we could use during labor. During the birth she helped so much with pain management and seemed to know exactly what I needed and when. Her extensive background in body work no doubt was helpful. I will have D. as my doula for any future births, and you should too. Seriously, look no further. D. is the crème de la crème of doulas. A million stars for D.!!! ????????????????????
Cindy Welik-Salgado
D. instantly lifted a weight I was feeling towards the end of my pregnancy just by being so affirming, optimistic, knowledgeable, and present in our first call. I knew she was the perfect person to add to my very intimate homebirth team and felt very grateful for the exercises she offered in preparation for my birthing time. When the time came, she was there with helpful suggestions for my husband as I focused on listening to my hypnosis tracks and then with the ideal hold and amount of pressure as things got more intense. She made me feel very calm and confident throughout but especially as my water broke, since I had been nervous about that moment happening too early because of how my first labor went. The birthing was so quick that our midwife didn’t get there in time and D. had to catch my beautiful baby girl as she surprised all of us with a quick entrance into the world. It was her first time catching a baby and she handled it all with ease as we consulted the midwife over the phone until she could arrive. It was an even better homebirth than I had imagined and I have been attempting to envision the ideal homebirth since I was pregnant with my son three years ago. I could not be more grateful for the instrumental role D. played! She was super responsive whenever I’d text with questions and could offer insights from the perspective of an acupuncturist (which I really value). I also felt more at ease knowing her massage and craniosacral experience and watched in awe as she gave my daughter craniosacral therapy in our postpartum visits. I am planning to continue seeing her for all her different therapeutic skills. If you want a doula who makes you feel like you could conquer almost anything that comes your way with her help, D. is the one.
Gracie Terzian
Despite multiple doctors suggesting a low likelihood of a successful VBAC due to my pelvic shape and prior birth history, I was able to have an amazing vaginal birth all thanks to my doula, D. As I was in labor, D. put me into all kinds of positions to help the baby descend into my pelvis (something the doctors and nurses NEVER assisted with during my first birth). Despite having an epidural, I could still feel the baby moving down thanks to her positioning. When it came time to push, D. guided me, and after 37 minutes of pushing, the baby was out! I can’t tell you how many critical details D. helped with. She taught me things I didn’t even know about (and I had done lots of personal research, online courses, etc.). She came to my house and taught me daily exercises to prepare for labor and delivery. She was there to answer all my questions during my pregnancy, and checked in on me multiple times after birth. She even gave me an acupuncture session before my due date. She also helped with breastfeeding and getting my baby to latch while initiating skin-to-skin right after giving birth. Because of this, I’ve been able to have a really wonderful breastfeeding journey with my baby (which I wasn’t able to have with my first). D. has a wonderful and friendly energy and it was obvious that all of the doctors and nurses appreciated her help and presence in the hospital. She didn’t step on anyone’s toes and was a critical team member during the delivery. I could tell my doctor respected her and found her to be very smart and helpful. The single best thing I did for my birth was hiring D., and I recommend her SO strongly to anyone having a baby. I only wish I had found her before my first birth because I’m sure it wouldn’t have ended in a c-section if she had been there with me. Any time my friends get pregnant in the future, my only piece of advice to them will be to hire D.
Rebecca Chapman
As soon as we met D. (and her partner, Christina), my husband and I knew it was the right fit for us. D. has a no BS, yet incredibly supportive mentality that helped us navigate my third trimester and delivery. She is so knowledgeable and curious – we learned so much and were so grateful to have her a text or call away.
My early labor process was several weeks long and D. helped decipher and understand each of my symptoms. Most importantly, she guided us towards our birth preferences and how to advocate prior to and during delivery. My active labor came on quickly and D. met us at the hospital. She was our voice in triage and supported my request for an epidural, while also making me feel like a badass. I cannot imagine my delivery without D. there as she guided me through breathwork and into certain positions, physically supporting my body. She advocated for us during our entire labor and helped me feel as safe and calm as possible.
After our daughter’s birth, D. continued to follow up with us and supported my breastfeeding journey (which was also not easy). I’m so proud of how much I accomplished in the past few months, and appreciate D. so much. If you’re reading this, you’ll be lucky to work with her!
D. was without a doubt my most important resource for navigating pregnancy, birth, and coming home with a newborn. While my husband and I read books and took classes in the lead up to my son’s birth, nothing can compare to the support and insight provided by D. She was available when I needed her, attentive to my needs, and always willing to meet me where I was at when facing difficulties. I felt continually seen and respected by D. Beyond emotional support, D. is deeply knowledgeable and proved to be an endless source of wisdom. For every issue or fear I encountered D. would always have suggestions that helped me reach a level of calm I do not think would have been possible without her.
On the birthing day itself D’s calm demeanor and ability to match my energy throughout the day was invaluable. D. is such an integral part of my birth story that I truly cannot picture this journey without her. D. comes as highly recommended by me as possible. Should I become pregnant again in the future she will definitely be the first person I tell (after my husband of course)!
Talia Albano
After 28 weeks I decided to go with my original plan in hiring a doula.
After reading through D.’s profile and having a consultation with her I knew I made the right choice.
she was incredible to work with from start to finish. Very sweet kind knowledgeable and offered me so many resources. She taught my husband and I exercises to get me prepared for birth but most importantly was the rock that we both needed to feel confident when the time came. And when the time came I don’t know how I would have done it without her.!!! She kept me grounded and calm , with words of encouragement and just a solid energy by my side. I knew everything was going to be okay because she was there. I was able to have the fully unmedicated birth with no interventions just as I wanted ! Post partum she has still been amazing, she spent an afternoon with us after birth and a day our home offering craniosacral therapy and working on latching the baby. She taught us how to use a baby carrying wrap and gave us many tips and tricks.
I am so beyond thankful and grateful I chose her for this journey.
I will be praying she’s available for my next births !!
Lei zhao
We were struggling. Out of the hospital with a newborn trying to breast-feed, We were ecstatic seeing a few drops after pumping for 30 minutes, before realizing this is not good.. my wife’s breast is it like a hard coconut, pain, and we don’t know what to do. With a long night ahead of us, it felt really doomy and heavy.
D. came in, assessed where we are, and gave a very non-sugar-coating description of what’s happening and what will happen next if this is not corrected right away. She started almost the whole night doing hand expression, trying different things, while explaining to us different techniques we could do at home. she worked two nights by my wife bedside back to back, which I can tell is quite physically tolling. It worked! We were able to catch up quite a bit and on the track to be able to fully breastfeed.
I would recommend D. to anybody that needs help. I also will happily have her back again if we need more help.
Eileen Burrowes
D. was an incredible help and resource for my baby and I. I’m a first-time and a single mom, and D. taught me so much about caring for a newborn. Our sleep has improved immensely from what I learned. She is naturally great with newborns, and my son was comfortable with her right away. He was also experiencing gastrointestinal pain, and she helped me identify ways to remediate it. I would highly recommend D. to anyone looking for postpartum care.
Jacqueline Paolino
I cannot thank D. enough for her support and the care she provided me, my baby and husband during those sleepless nights. She was compassionate and validating of everything I was going through and empowered me to feel like I was doing a great job, even at my lowest. I required extra help after my c-section, and on nights when D. was unable to make it, she seamlessly coordinated an all-star team of doulas to come and take care of us. Everyone she sent to our home was fantastic and we felt so safe with baby Sophia in their hands. As a first-time mother, the nights as well as my milk oversupply were the most challenging aspects of newborn care and postpartum life. Having D. up at all hours by my side, comforting me and advising me, made all the difference. I truly cannot imagine going through this experience without D.’s support. We miss her energy in our home, and will always be grateful for the love she gave to me and my baby when we needed it most. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done for me and my family!
Alissa Bageorgos
I am incredibly pleased with my decision to hire D. as my birth doula. If you’re uneasy about childbirth as I was (who isn’t), hiring D. will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for your ideal birth experience (even if you don’t know what that looks like yet).
She is very communicative and well-informed. Prior to hiring D., I hadn’t given much thought to my birth plan and I appreciated how I never felt pressured to choose one option over another when creating my birth plan. D. informed me of the options available, along with pros/cons of each to make the best decision for me. Of course, things will not go 100% according to the “plan”, but I felt mentally prepared for birth regardless. I loved the activities she showed my husband and me to help bring on labor, which definitely worked!
Even though my husband and I took virtual childbirth classes through our hospital, I relied on D. to help me decipher when I was actually going into labor (somehow I forgot everything we went over in the classes once the time arrived). I text D. on Friday 1/6 (I was 39+3 at this point) to give her the details (I was cramping and lost my mucus plug,etc.) and she replied stating she may see me this weekend then. She was correct. I had my daughter the following day. I arrived at the hospital at 2AM (D. arriving shortly after), and gave birth at 2PM. She was so valuable in helping me work thru my contractions and ensure I understood what was occurring around me and to me. My birth experience was a positive one thanks to D.!
Working with D. was one of the best decisions my wife and I made during our pregnancy. We contacted her about two months before our due date, and she was gracious enough to give us hours of her time explaining how the process would work (even recommending meeting in person before signing the contract). That openness and authenticity alleviated any concerns with working together.
For the weeks leading up to birth, D. frequently checked in on us and had both a remote and in-person check-in, helping us create a thorough birth plan and teaching us various exercises like perineal massages. All of this was critical for the actual birth and eventual recovery.
However, D.’s expertise proved most valuable during labor and delivery. While my wife was suffering through piercing contractions, D. implemented some hip presses/exercises that helped her endure the pain better, and stuck with the birth plan we created even though anesthesiologists were getting a bit pushy. With D.’s support, my wife was able to toughen it out almost 6 hours before getting an epidural, and gave birth to a healthy baby boy about 9 hours in with only a first-degree tear (despite my wife’s small stature). To this day, my wife cannot imagine getting through the entire ordeal without D. (at least without losing parts of her sanity).
Since coming home, D. has continued to check in and came for a postpartum visit to help us get settled with our baby. It would be an understatement to say that D. mentally, physically, and emotionally got us through this whirlwind of a journey, and we’re so grateful that she was there every step of the way.
Cierra McNair
We were so fortunate to have D. as our doula during our perinatal journey. Her extensive knowledge of childbirth and newborn care, combined with her background in Chinese Medicine and Massage, made us confident in our decision to have her by our side. D. made every effort to support us in every way possible, including multiple home visits leading up to and after the birth of our daughter. She worked with my husband to give him the confidence and skills he needed to help comfort me during labor.
In fact, our labor ended up being a precipitous 3-hour birth, leaving no time to get to the hospital or to our provider. D. arrived quickly and evaluated the situation, instructing my husband to call the paramedics. When they arrived, D. advocated for my needs and wishes, even though the emergency workers had a different agenda. She rode in the ambulance with us to the hospital and remained with us until we were settled in.
Since the birth, D. has been in constant contact with us and has gone above and beyond to help us transition into parenthood. Her postpartum visits brought great comfort to my husband and me as we struggled to figure out how to feed our baby girl. D. has a great sense for what is needed in any given moment – she knows when to speak up, when to nurture, and when to be invisible. Finding the right doula was a very difficult journey for me…D. was so incredibly patient throughout that time. It is so clear that I made the right choice!! We will forever be grateful to have had D. as our doula!!!
I would highly recommend using D. as a doula! She is extremely knowledgeable and took the time to make sure that I was informed and that my voice was being heard. Thinking back at my labor, I don’t know what I would have done if D. was not in the room with me. She was there to comfort me, give me different exercises to do to move along labor, apply counter pressure when needed, and make sure that I was comfortable with all the decisions that needed to be made. She also pushed for breastfeeding right away which I attribute to why my baby was able to latch so well.
D. is an absolute delight! She is extraordinarily knowledgeable on anything and everything baby and post-partum. She’s an amazing partner and team player in the early post-partum weeks and months and an extremely calming presence. She has a healing quality about her that is a pleasure to have around. I only wish she could stay forever!
Prior to being pregnant, I had encountered many people who had great birthing experiences with a doula. This motivated me to seek one for myself as well when I got pregnant. I came across D. She was very responsive right from the beginning. We had our first talk on the phone and she was very informative and answered any questions I had. Immediately, I decided on using her services as a doula. She also encouraged meeting with me in person before I signed the contract, which was really nice of her. She showed my husband some moves to help me during contractions and provided me materials to prep my body for delivery. My birth plan consisted of an unmedicated birth (no epidural) and other things and I was able to achieve them with D’s help. She played a HUGE role in prepping my body and providing me physical and emotional support during labor. I could not have done it without her! I highly recommend working with D. if you are looking for a more holistic approach to a natural delivery!
D. is a phenomenal doula! From the moment I first talked with D., I could tell she’s a very personable, easy going person who will also stick up for you during your pregnancy, birth and, beyond. And she went above and beyond my expectations! One of the big reasons we went with D. over other doulas we interviewed was her ability to put her own preferences for birth aside to be a true confidant through the whole birthing process without judgment or expectation. The prenatal informational meetings we had were so helpful for my husband and I to think through the birth and postpartum. And during my labor, D. was so helpful. It did not go according to plan and went a lot longer than I ever expected and D. was there through it all, providing a sounding board for ideas, reassurance during and after the really tough times and her strong hands/arms to provide accupressure where I needed it the most. She took beautiful pictures of me, my husband and our baby, too. And postpartum she’s been a huge help too with everything from nursing guidance to swaddling help to ideas for helping our baby sleep (he hates sleeping!). And recently she crowdsourced some info for us about how to make our baby happier in his car seat. I am so grateful to D., without her as my doula I don’t know what my husband and I would’ve done. She seriously has gone above and beyond and has been a true companion through this whole process. I would highly recommend her as a doula to anyone!
Irene McGee
D. is amazing. She is patient and caring and smart and intuitive. She was wonderful with the baby and the whole family. I can’t recommend her enough. She is very knowledgeable
D. has been a very big help to my family .. i am a new mom to twins she comes in and takes over for late nights and gives me words of encouragement and positivity.
D. takes very good care of the twins and leaves notes for the morning on details that happened in the night .
D. is a great support to parents and babies on whatever they need
Melissa Bayern
Hiring D. to be my doula was one of the best decisions of my entire life, and that is not hyperbolic!
Having her at my birth made me feel safe and calm, and she honestly did not miss a beat emotionally, physically, and spiritually during a very difficult labor. I’m so so happy she was there for me and my husband. She also helped to guide my husband to better help me and feel more comfortable. I would recommend her to anyone – she is honestly a guardian angel!


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